L'Milmo de Luxe Pepsi Max spent the weekend in Italy in the beautiful Riva del Garda. He fulfilled the conditions of GIOVANE CAMPIONE ITALIANO DI BELLEZZA -Italian Junior Champion with 6 JCAC and 6xJBOB
Six years ago, Pepsi's two grandmothers (Vivi la Vida Loca -Vivi and Fergalicious -Tosca from Fatalbecco Kennel) achieved this title, and now we are very proud of that our home bred youngster achieved this title out of two home bred parents from our kennel. This is unique in this breed in Hungary.
Riva del Garda (11 lagotto)
08.03.2025, exc.1, JCAC, JBOB, BOS judge: Martinovic Darko
09.03.2025, exc 1. JCAC, JBOB, BOB judge: Giancarlo Sambucco (IT), and BEST OF GROUP!
BOG judge: Martinovic Darko
Hungarian Puppy Grand Winner
Slovenian Junior Champion
Junior International Beauty Champion
Hungarian Junior Champion
European Puppy Winner 2025
Bagno di Romagna Raduno BOB Puppy
Slovenian Junior Winner
Romagna Winner
Cruft Qualification
Italian Junior Champion
Pepsi out of Multi CH L'Milmo de Luxe Tango x Multi JCH L'Milmo de Luxe Florence! We will repeat this combination soon! Expected birth of puppies: June 2025 More info on the hompage: HERE